Dear WBS Families,
Welcome to W.B. Simpson Elementary School - a U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School! Our school is named after William B. Simpson, Superintendent of the Caesar Rodney School District from 1938-1961. Simpson is one of seven elementary schools in the Caesar Rodney School District serving first through fifth grade. It is a true community school with a diverse population of approximately 560 students.
Our dedicated staff and involved PTO make WBS a great place to grow and learn! We are building a positive learning environment with Social/Emotional Learning curriculum. Each day will start with a Morning Meeting that sets a positive tone for learning, sets high expectations, and fosters critical thinking, positive interaction, and collaboration. We will be utilizing the C.A.R.E.S acronym to teach students the characteristics of cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control. We aim to create a safe and nurturing setting for all students!
Academics are at the core of what we do at WB Simpson! Students receive instruction as a whole class, in small groups and through one on one conferencing. Our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) ensures that each student receives the level of support needed for them to make appropriate academic gains. Frequent parent communication is a key priority!
We love to have fun as we learn! WBS has many events that have become a school tradition such as our Veterans Day Assembly, Health Night, Grandparents Breakfast, Evening of the Arts and Riding into Summer. Our annual Healthy Child Day, ACES Day, and Field Days are a time to celebrate our health, athletic achievement, and sportsmanship. WBS also offers many extra-curricular clubs and activities including Girls on the Run, Chorus, Odyssey of the Mind, Student Council, and more! These programs help address the needs of the whole child and make school a fun place to be!.
For over five decades, WBS has been an outstanding elementary school in the greater Dover area. With a special emphasis on using best practices in classroom instruction and promoting a positive school atmosphere, this continues to be a great place for kids to grow and learn. We encourage you to see for yourself the dedicated teachers and smiling childrens’ faces that make up our community. At Simpson, Each and Every One of Us Succeeds…No Matter What It Takes!
Brook Fuchs